Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weird Food Wednesdays: Haw Flakes

Due to some recent feedback from some unadventurous eaters (you know who you are), I've decided to select something fairly inoffensive for this week's topic:
Haw Flakes - round reddish brown wafers rolled up in bright pink wrappers. If you are Chinese, you grew up eating these like candy. Haw flakes are dirt cheap (10 rolls for less than $1) so my parents never objected when I threw a package into our shopping cart. The flavor is similar to a fruit roll-up, but the texture is less chewy. They're a bit addictive, I've actually eaten an entire roll while writing this post! The ingredients haven't changed over the years - haw, sugar, water, and red food dye. But what the heck is "haw"? Never really thought to ask before - they tasted so good it didn't matter. But thanks to Wikipedia, we now know that the primary ingredient is the fruit of the Chinese hawthorn - phew! Nothing scary about fruit (unless you happen to be talking about durian). Hawthorn is also used for medicinal purposes in aiding digestion and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol (Me HUNGRY! Disclaimer: Phyllis is NOT a doctor!).

You can find haw flakes in snack aisles of Asian markets or Chinatown.

Try them - I dare you not to like them!


  1. I'm heading out to buy a roll right now - can't wait to try - thanks for sharing the info

  2. Ah, the haw flake. I always made sure we had a supply of these when I was little - haven't had them for years now! You're right, it's so easy to get through one little packet - in my case, in one bite, haha.

    Might have to go and buy a pack now to re-live those memories.

    Hungry Jenny x

  3. HI there, I was just googling trying to work out what exactly was in a Haw flake and found your blog. Love the weird food wednesdays - will be back!

  4. totally relate - love them and 'grew-up' on them as my mother worked two blocks from China Town. I am now only working one block from China Town and enjoy the 'ole taste' whilst spending only 80-cents per pack. Cheers, G

  5. I've just bought a roll, wondering what they were. About to try one now! Thanks for the info.
