Sunday, April 11, 2010


Got a picky eater at home? Or someone who likes to play with their food?

FOOD FACE was too cute to pass up, just bought two of them for my nieces.

You can find it online



Ciao Chow Linda said...

That is hysterically funny. They remind of that game we used to have as kids, with magnetic bits that you could move around to form hair, or beards for instance.

KennyT said...

This is so cute, hahahaha, any faces/bodies for adults?

Anonymous said...

I make my own special features when I eat cause I am such a sloppy eater LOL. Mostly my food ends up on my clothes (but only when i'm wearing the good stuff ;)).
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said...

That's too cute! I'll have to show this to my daughter when she gets home from school!

Jessica604 said...

that a CUTE idea. I guess you could also change up the eyes with quail eggs, olives...the possibilities are endless!

Phyllis said...

Linda: I think this plate was based on that Dapper Dan game from the '50s!

Kenny: Actually was thinking of ordering one of these for myself ;)

Heavenly Housewife: LOL, you and me both!

5 Star Foodie: While I know that your daughter is definitely NOT a picky eater, I bet she would still enjoy making faces with this :)

Jessica: Yes, the possibilites are indeed endless but I was just chuckling over the thought of my picky little nieces eating quail eggs and olives :)

Christo Gonzales said...

this is exactly the same face as the magnet thing - too bad my son will be 12 in a week or so - if I got this for him now he would probably hate me forever....

Justin said...

ha, very funny, like those magnet toys when i was a kid. i'm probably older than you, but stuff like that makes me wonder what happened to old-fashioned toys like that before everyone had Wii's and computers...

Phyllis said...

doggybloggy: Yes, this is probably more appropriate for the younger kids LOL.

Justin: Occasionally I'll come across nostagic throwback items when I'm toy shopping and they always make me smile. I don't remember playing with the magnet game but that's probably because I grew up in Canada and nothing to do with my age (older than you think!)

Jessica604 said...

Oh boy. If you're talking about nostalgic toys you can't forget the etch-a-sketch, the "sectional snake" toys from Chinatown, or legos! :)

Phyllis said...

Jessica: Don't forget silly putty, slinky, and lite brite! And yes, I totally remember that sectional snake thing from Chinatown! :D

Carolyn Jung said...

I want one of these for myself! Is that wrong? ;)

Phyllis said...

Carolyn: Not at all! I'm having trouble parting with the ones I bought for my nieces :)