Thursday, March 5, 2009

my very first Top 100 list!

I just found out yesterday that my humble little food blog has been included in the Top 100 Blogs for the Frugal Gourmet!

me HUNGRY! is #99 on the list!

Check it out for some great blogs about eating well on a budget.

A big thanks to Kelly from for the honor, and thanks to my husband Kris and all of our friends who always put up with me taking photos of everything I eat!

And finally, a huge shout-out to all my readers, especially my foodie friends at foodbuzz!




Anonymous said...

congrats - sounds like a heck of an honor

Passionate Eater said...

I agree, you are definitely quite a great blog in the blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's very neat.

Tangled Noodle said...

Congratulations! What an awesome recognition.

Anonymous said...

Gee, big surprise that Hoseah and Leah both broke up with their respective significant others. Gee, ya think kissing someone else on national TV might cause that?? Good grief.

CheapAppetite said...

Congratulation:) I think you deserve to be in the top 10!

Queen Mogar said...

Thiss was great to read